
This or That: New Website

In Uncategorized on January 13, 2011 at 1:39 pm

As most of you know, I’m currently in the process of merging my baby company (Indigo Productions — not officially registered) and my main business, EvaMc.ca/Letters by Eva, to provide content development, publishing and editing services, along with more digital graphic/photography work. I’m still searching for the “right fit” in regards to the name. I’m working with the main ideas/keywords of Indigo Productions, Studio Indigo, Letters by Eva, Indigo etc, Indigo PR, and so forth. I was really keen on Studio Indigo, but unfortunately it has already been registered.

I’m open to new suggestions, but it seems as though the main runner up is “Indigo etc,” supplied to me by the great @davidjwidmann. I’ve come up with two mock banners for the layout, and would love it if you joined me in a round of This or That! Please comment below with your choice of Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 1: (blank banner — seems to focus more on the writing aspect, need to incorporate photography)

Option 2: (more subtle/basic in terms of colors)

  1. Since your banner or logo should proclaim “this is who I am and this is what I do” I vote for #2. 🙂

  2. I would go with option #2, but with the indigo color. Also, I’m not crazy about “Indigo etc”. Maybe something like IndigoWorks (or Indigo Works). I dunno. Good luck!

  3. Hi Eva. This is my first time posting on your site. My suggestions would be The Indigo Room.


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