
About Letters by Eva

The purpose behind Letters by Eva is to explore the depths of the written word; the art surrounding every syllable, and the emotions and studying that go into creating poetry and literature.

My name is Eva Mc, and I am a Professional Content Writer and Literary Editor. Follow my journey of getting published, with the launching of my novel “Letters to Blue” coming this spring of 2010.

I’m a frequent Twitterer, and you can find me at Twitter.com/EvaMcWriting. As a Book Marketing Specialist, I am looking forward to also posting reviews here of the novels composed by my fellow Tweeps, clients and bloggers. I support Indie authors, writers just starting out, and all those looking to build a platform for their words. If you would like to send me a copy of your manuscript so that I can assist you in the promotion of your talents, feel free to contact me at eva@evamc.ca.

If you are interested in my professional writing or editing services, my site can be viewed at EvaMc.ca. I look forward to connecting with you!

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